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The vibrant, globally-connected city-state of Hong Kong has built itself on international trade. This tiny collection of islands and peninsulas is one of the richest, most cosmopolitan places on the planet, offering a bridge between East and West that countless successful businesses have been keen to take advantage of.

Underpinning Honk Kong’s success story is its massive port.

The Port of Hong Kong is one of the busiest in the world, handling massive volumes of goods pouring in from every corner of the globe every single day. If you’re wondering how to make the Hong Kong Port a part of your business infrastructure, read this two-minute explainer to learn the essentials.

Hong Kong’s Port: A Strategic Asset 

One of the major pros of Hong Kong shipping is the location of its port. One of the largest deepwater ports on Earth, the Hong Kong Port connects directly to mainland China, the world’s second-largest economy and primary manufacturing powerhouse.

It is a stone’s throw away from Shenzhen, the world’s premier consumer electronics manufacturing hub. Meanwhile, Hong Kong itself is a major connecting node of the global financial system and tends to do business the “Western” way, using the English language and British-style common law (although this is changing).

Put together, these make the port the ideal place to do business if you are shipping goods from China or Asia to the rest of the world, or vice-versa.

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Cost Advantages of the Hong Kong Port

Hong Kong also has a number of cost advantages that will make your shipping cheaper. Namely, it is one of the largest tax-free ports on Earth.

You will not pay any tax on any goods moving through the port, apart from alcohol and tobacco. You can find out here exactly how to make the most of the tax advantages for your business.

On top of this, Hong Kong is a highly competitive port, meaning that freight rates are often lower than for other ports in the region. Meanwhile, highly automated and efficient customs clearing means that your goods will move through the port quickly, reducing shipping times and your bottom line. 

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Challenges to Using the Hong Kong Port

That being said, shipping to a port such as Hong Kong does not come without its drawbacks. For one, its integration with China makes it less predictable than other types of ports in the region.

As the pandemic showed, trouble in China can quickly lead to supply chain disruptions that can and have paralyzed activity at the Hong Kong port.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s integration with China means that businesses can no longer rely on the city state’s adherence to Western-style trade and property laws. Further, growing competition in the area means that rival ports such as Singapore are fast catching up in terms of pricing competitiveness. 

Better Business, No Matter Where You Operate

That being said, the Hong Kong Port remains a great place to do business. If you ship goods manufactured in China to the rest of the world, there are few better places for your freight.

Just make sure you weigh up the pros and cons to determine that this port is right for you. For more tips on better business, we have got you covered. In our dedicated Business pages, you’ll find practical, actionable tips on gearing your operations for growth.